Thursday, 29 September 2011

Thank You Thursday

I'm thankful for a Pingree in Provo!

Highlight of my week, semester, year... was when I was reunited with Claire Pingree last Saturday. It only seemed fitting that our reunion included a morning run, coordinating outfits (unplanned) and laughing over a bowl of cereal and bananas. So sad Jess B couldn't join us.

If you didn't know, Claire has kept me running for quite a while now. A year, no two years! ago we ran the a half marathon together, and have been hitting the pavement ever since. In Provo. In England. In Scotland. Where next?

Moab half marathon finish line 2010

Rocking the sweatshirts around the waist. And girl in front not looking so hot. Keep going #3514!!
Aftermath. Ahhhhhhh

**For those of you who don't know, Claire had to leave the MTC for a bit to take care of her little cheek. And after a successful surgery, things are looking good for her to jump back into missionary mode soon enough.**

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