Friday 16 September 2011

Do you know what makes my little nephew Ryan so cute?


No, it's not the handsome man holding him, although I do believe he will have beautiful children. Uh huh! * It's his darling parents Lisa and Brett. They are so patient, loving, kind and do so much with their two little boys.

Lisa started a blog on her little moments of motherhood, and I LOVE IT!!  I almost started crying yesterday when I was reading this story.  I am looking forward to moments like those.

I don't know about you, but sometimes I look at these "mommy blogs" and I say, "wait. how do you have so much time to be PERFECT?"

She doesn't pretend like she has all the time in the world to be crafty. She will be the first to admit that running clothes can be workout wear and day-wear. She is a great example to me of a mom who can laugh at the spills, the thrills, the ups and downs and all the tears of mama-hood.

growing into mom

* Give it a read *


  1. you are the greatest. Thanks for making me and my blog sounds great. You are really good at PR. :) and I agree that you will have beautiful kids!

  2. I'm heading on over to check out this lovely blog! By the way, thanks for the link to the cute pleated pants...I'll have to give them a try!
