Thursday 15 September 2011

My New Nephews?

New Sundays

First Kai got Jack, then Cade and Kass got Duke, now Michael and I are the odd ones out and are thinking, is it about time we get a dog too?

So we googled it, took an online test for our "perfect dog" and found out the dog for us is a schnoodle. That was a sign that we weren't supposed to get a dog. A schnoodle? No thanks.

Grandma Throws

Grandma Anna

 Duke 2 Jack

My Grandma Anna has been struggling with Alzheimer's for over a year now, and you'd be surprised how she's still got her spunk. Michael and I stayed with her for a week before we could move into our new apartment, and I'll never forget moments of tucking her in at night and seeing her smile because she knew we loved her. One night we just chatted in bed for a while, and I could've sworn I saw my grandma as a seventeen-year-old at a sleep over. Just gabbing and laughing and being so silly. I've learned a lot from that lady and will always respect her zeal for life.

**Are you loving my instagram-style, 1960's photos? If you don't have an iphone, you don't need one! Eat that apple. Ya right. I'm lying through my teeth. I'm obsessed and want one sooooo bad. **


  1. oh my gosh I know what you mean about an iphone... I can only dream!

  2. a schnoodle!! HAha! What a cute grandma you have. Those memories you have are priceless!
