Thursday, 21 June 2012

A Lesson in Brotherly Love

I'm a little embarrassed to share this story, but I hope it can help in some way or another.

A funny thing happened to me the other day. I was walking back to the office after a quick trip to Harmon's where I threw together a quick salad bar lunch. Now this isn't just any salad bar. It is my favorite treat of the week! I crave my perfect combo of balsamic dressing, quinoa, edamame, turkey, feta and a scramble of other vegetables.

So as I walk back with salad in-hand, I happen to pick up a sandwich sample at a nearby restaurant. I never say "no" to a free sample, and my friends can attest that I have innate radar for free food. So now, with sample and salad in-hand, I pass a homeless guy who recently was begging for food at an Italian food cart. He spotted me and asked "Do you want that?"

I thought, he meant my little sample so I said, "Sure! You can have this." I hand him the morsel of a sandwhich, which I already took a bite out of.

"Cool. Thanks!" But instead of leaving, he just stayed, staring at my salad. "Do you want that?" pointing to my salad. "Oh. Um. Yeah. I want this. But you can have that," I said, smiling and pointing to the sandwich in his hand. "Ok. So, you want that?" "Yeah. Bye!"

I walked away chuckling at the fact that a stranger actually thought I might not want the salad I just made a special trip to get. But then, did I really need this salad as much as that man? So maybe I would have been a hungry for four hours until I got home. That man is probably hungry all the time. And who am I to pat myself on the back because I was so generous to give him something that didn't cost or mean a thing to me.

"For inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

I definitely would have given my salad to the Savior if He had asked me. I hope I would give it to Him without His asking for it!

The whole event reminded me of this video. Michael and I watched this for FHE before Christmas, and I will never forget it when Michael said, "I hope our kids are like that." In reality, I hope I can be more like this little child. Hope you enjoy it! Hope you can find somebody to help this week. :) I know I will.

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