Saturday 16 July 2011

Sinner's Motorcycle Club

It's a common phrase, but an unmistakably golden idea - "if I could have a quarter for every time I heard... michael white ask for a motorcycle."

"Couldn't you just see me cruisin' down the freeway to law school?"
"Ahh, Babe."
"No. I'd rather have you alive than save a little gas money or have you look cool."
"But, Babe."

You get the story. So tonight when we went strolling around Springville with the Probsts, and yes, I understand it's a random saturday night activity, we spotted the next best thing to Michael's hopeful cycle.

This is the famous sculpture by "I'm a Mormon" Jeff Decker, member of sinner's motorcycle club and a mormon. duh.


Maybe Michael can get a motorcycle if he makes a sweet video like this AND wears a full-leather body suit, helmet, wrist-guards, elbow and knee-pads. I'm paranoid.

1 comment:

  1. Tyler says the same thing all of the time! And I say the same thing back all of the time! NOOOO!! Just wait until you have kids, its like they ask even more!
