OK, it has been ages since an update on Emmajane/EmmaJane (we STILL can't decide how to write it). She is now 10 months old today and my heart can't hold all the love I have for this human. Above all, she is a happy, animated, bundle of energy. Her passion for life comes out more and more every single day.
If you want to skip all the milestone details, scroll to the bottom for a picture dump of smiles, naked cottage cheese bums and the bluest eyes you've ever seen...
7 Months
By seven months Emmajane was crawling like a pro and pulling herself up to standing.
She got croup on the drive home from Christmas break, and had it for about 2 weeks. I'll never forget feeling her burning hot head and wishing I could just take it all away. She got up to 107 one day, and we rushed her to the doctor right as the fever broke. It was funny how her personality and energy left, making her an entirely different baby. That's when she learned "mama." So sweet. Except for it was more like "mamamamaaaa" and I loved it. We would rock to sleep almost every night and cuddle on the couch whenever she would wake from a coughing fit. I'd stand with our front door open in my pajamas at 2, 3, 4 in the morning just so she could clear that cough. It made me so happy when we started seeing her smile again.

8 Months
At 8 months she became a self-feeder. I loved watching her double-fist those cheerios, and then palm them into her mouth. Since then, she's been pretty stubborn about feeding herself. No baby food on a spoon. No sir! She's got this, Mom and Dad.
She loves eating asparagus, frozen peas, tomatoes, yogurt, string cheese, green beans, and apples. Whole apples! Just like her mama. We'll let her gnaw on Granny Smiths for 30 minutes.
Between seven and eight months, she became a pro traveler with two set of airplane rides from Utah to California. She was a dream and won over the entire crew. On her second leg for Megan and Tyler's wedding, she was a little loud and the only way we could get her to quite down was to pat our hands over her mouth (Indian style). She loves that and her yell seemed just a bit quieter than if she wasn't playing Indian. Now she's learned to do it on her own, and I love it!
9 Months
Went to the doc. and she was 16.23 pounds (15th percentile) and 27 inches (70th percentile). A string bean! But growing right on track.
She's a little chatterbox! She says her ga ga ga's and da da da's and whole bunch of other random words we can't follow. My favorite thing, though, is that she now knows the difference between "yay" and "hi." If you say one, she'll wave, and for the other she claps her hands.
She thinks she's hilarious. She'll go around the entire room going "ha! ha! ha!" while bouncing front and back to make you laugh.
She got her first taste of what it would be like to live with dogs when we were dog-sitting Cade and Kass's dog when they were in Hawaii. It was a good and bad thing that she loved being around dogs because that's the closest you're gonna get, sister. The White house is canine-free. FOREVER.
She is still super social. She loves other kids like crazy! I took her to City Creek, where they have this massive indoor playground in the food court, and she was so excited to see so many kids. She couldn't do much except stand agains one of the many fake dinosaurs and pound and scream for joy - which ended up scaring off the kids and defeating the purpose. I kept trying to explain, "she's excited and happy to meet you," but they were like, "see ya!"
// 7-8 Months //
traveling like a champ
// 9 Months //
asparagus and blue berries
her favorites
this is cute BUT
these are better
or this
yo yo yooo!
a little privacy please?
life with dogs
her very first visit to BYU and we commemorated it was her first rice krispie treat

and she never let go
The Aunt Zaz side smile. It runs in the family!
St. Patrick's Day!
whoa. life is so much better with three of me
Photo dump complete